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Why it pays to consult an expert when buying a used boat

The following boat (a Bavaria 47 Cruiser) was offered as a “TOP MAINTENANCE OWNER’S YACHT” according to the sales advertisement.

The result after the survey: to bring it into an acceptable and seaworthy condition, refit costs of around EUR 29,000 had to be estimated .

The fee for our services was thus amortized several times over in the final price negotiations 😉👍

Defects found

Category A defects


Category B Defects


Category C Defects


Defects categories

To assess the significance of the defects found and thus their repair priority, they are divided into the following categories:

Category A

Defects that acutely endanger or impair seaworthiness, functionality, navigational safety and/or the safety and health of persons on board and require immediate rectification.

Category B

Defects that do not pose an acute safety threat or merely restrict comfort on board and therefore have a lower priority for rectification.
However, it may be necessary to monitor developments.

Category C

Defects that do not pose a safety threat and are predominantly cosmetic and therefore do not have repair priority.
However, the value may be impaired.