Annual reviews and rankings are always popular in our multimedia world.
And as an appraiser for boats and yachts, you can’t escape such trends either.

So let me take this opportunity to present a few really hair-raising finds or defects from the past year, which once again prove that you should take a very close look when buying a used yacht in order to avoid unpleasant and costly surprises.
Sometimes also because in some cases your own life may depend on it.

So here they are: the TOP 3 dangerous defects in yacht appraisals 2023:

SOlaris One 48

Loose bow thruster

Retractable or swivel bow thrusters are becoming increasingly common on modern boats and yachts.
And correctly configured, they certainly facilitate maneuverability in tight harbor maneuvers.

On this Solaris One 48 sailing yacht, however, maneuvering with the bow thruster could soon have led to the bottom of the sea, especially as it turned out during the inspection on the dry dock that it was completely loose on its mounting bracket (see video below).

When buying a used boat, bow thrusters should therefore be checked carefully.
Not only with regard to the correct mechanical and electrical installation, but also with regard to the sealing of the installation shaft.

Always follow the manufacturer’s recommendations and have the cuff replaced if there is even the slightest doubt about its age or durability. Quite a few yachts have run aground in recent years due to faulty bow thruster installations.

Picture above: Mounting bracket of the bow thruster with sleeve and side supports

Video: Bow thruster with considerable play

Island Packet 38

Cockpit drainage defective

Although cockpit drains perform a very important function, they are undoubtedly one of those details to which both owners and potential buyers rarely pay the attention they deserve.
Especially not when they are relatively inconvenient to reach for inspection.

This was also the case with this Island Packet 38, which was inspected on a somewhat gloomy November day in Italy.
As you can see in the picture below right, the drain hoses were so brittle that you could literally crumble them without much effort.

And as the subsequent sea trials showed, the stern wave at full speed was sufficient to take in masses of water via the two onboard outlets on the transom.
In combination with the somewhat undersized and decrepit bilge pumps, this posed a considerable safety risk.
Even if the boat had only been exposed to heavy rainfall for a longer period of time.

Picture above: Position of the cockpit drainage outlets on the transom

Picture above: Detailed view of the brittle drainage hose underneath the port side forecastle box

Mekamarin 11

Life-threatening generator installation

Another example of an almost acutely life-threatening finding was provided by the inspection of this Mekamarin 11, a small series production from a Turkish shipyard that no longer exists.

The previous owner decided to install a power generator himself, choosing a mobile, petrol-driven and air-cooled unit from a cheap Far East manufacturer.
The whole thing was optimized with a self-made exhaust system, a loose fuel tank and amateurish wiring.

For the crew, this meant that they had several options to choose from in terms of their potential demise:

– Electric shock
– Carbon monoxide poisoning
– Fire due to overheating
– Explosion due to gasoline vapors

Sometimes it’s really hard to believe what you find in the course of a boat appraisal.

Picture above: Overview of generator installation with self-made (dry) exhaust system

Picture above: the fuel tank of the generator was lying loose in the forecastle box, the fuel supply line was unsecured over the entire distance.

How we can help you buy a boat

So if you are planning to buy a boat in Croatia or Italy in 2024, there are several ways in which we can help you:

Online boat check

During the online boat check, we look at the sales advertisements and other available information together with you in order to discuss an initial assessment of the condition with you and to verify whether it is worth the effort of an on-site inspection. > more about this


During the tele-assessment, we join in via WhatsApp or Zoom to assess any defects and help you decide how to proceed.

Purchase appraisal

If, on the other hand, you are already at a stage where you have a concrete intention to buy a specific yacht, we can of course also carry out complete purchase appraisals for you. > more about this